(Sorry for the lazy posting lately...Hank's letters have been really short so here are some excerpts from a bunch of messages)
Last week and this week are public holidays for the independence so its been hard to contact investigators and find new people because everyone is involved in the games. The new Prime Minister is like Commodus from Gladiator, he schedules all these games and festivities to please the people and have them like him haha. But, we want to plan an open house at the church to get more investigators, so we're working on that. The work is coming along and the language as well, nothing really new this week.
Just imagine sitting on the floor all day teaching lessons in that. I have a big callus on my foot from sitting all day in a sulu haha. (in response to a picture of dad wearing a sulu)
I'm doing fine, the work is starting to pick up here so we are busier and busier. I was pissed till like wednesday and then i got my package and a letter from Anne and i forgot all about it haha, i'm doing great now.
We're lucky we get to watch the conference dvd this weekend as a branch, i saw Pres Uchtdorf's talk and man, what an amazing talk, if someone was on the edge before...they have to see that. At least the first presidency loves you for you!
Yesterday i again ate raw fish, still getting used to it. It's kinda like sushi, its like a fish and then they cut the meat into cubes put it in coconut cream with cucumbers, i though it was potato salad the first time i had it. Don't know what kind of fish, probably some fish they found in the pacific ocean somewhere.
But i'm feeling good, the work is going well, we are getting more and more people to teach after weeks of having slow work, it's great. Hurricane season is starting though so we've had lots of rain this week, and we won't be able to play tennis today, bummer.
Sorry for the short emails. Miss you all.
Love, Elder Cashen
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